If you would like your child to be considered for representation please send a 3-minute self-tape to hello@rottenorphans.co.uk.
You will find a useful guide to self-taping here.
Once we’ve received your child’s self-tape we will contact you within one month to let you know if we can offer them an audition. If you don’t hear from us within one month please follow up with an email to check that we received the tape.
If your child is in a professional show and you would like us to see the production please give us as much notice as possible.
Please DO NOT call us to enquire about representation. Thank you.
We do not charge a fee to join Rotten Orphans, however we do charge a £40 book fee and you should keep in mind the annual costs of your child’s Spotlight entry fee which is currently £114 and their professional head-shot. Photographer’s fees vary but you should factor in around £250. There is a short-list of recommended photographers listed below.
Our commission rates are 15% + VAT on Theatre and 25% + VAT on all other work. Payments received from production companies by 21st of the month will be paid to the client by the end of that calendar month. The Agency will endeavour to collect all payments promptly from production companies but cannot be held responsible for late payments.
Where parents or guardians have acted as a chaperone for their child on an engagement, they must invoice the production company directly for the chaperone fee.
The Spotlight Young Performers directory is the UK’s definitive database of performers aged 4 – 25. Only children who are represented by an agent are eligible for Spotlight membership. All Rotten Orphans clients must join Spotlight. It costs an annual fee of £114 (inc. VAT). Access to Spotlight’s online database is only available to vetted industry professionals.
It is important to have professional up to date headshots for your child. We can recommend a number of professional photographers where a photo shoot can be booked directly. Alternatively, children can participate in an annual photo shoot at the Agency with a professional photographer which is a more cost-effective option.
We can recommend the following photographers.
Kirill Kozlov Photography http://www.kirill.co.uk/
David Yiu Photography www.davidyiu.com
Michael Shelford Photography https://www.shelfordheadshots.com/
Having multiple representation can become confusing if a client is suggested for the same job by two different agents. It can lead to disputes over contracts and commission and potentially cause unnecessary problems for the casting director or production company.
We provide a personal management and it is our objective to support each of our clients and help them to develop as young performers and build their professional acting career.
For this reason, we insist on sole agent representation and we would urge all performers to think about the importance of having a healthy, happy and trusted relationship with their agent.
When performing, children under the statutory school leaving age have to obtain a performance license from their local authority. Performance licences cover work in TV, Film, Theatre, Modelling and all other professional engagements. Your local authority will request 21 days from the date of application to the project start date. Children do not require a licence once they are past the official school-leaving age. Full details of the process will be explained to all parents with children at Rotten Orphans.
Most professional engagements involve some time off school or college so this is something you and your child should think carefully about before applying for representation.
In some scenarios educational support in the form of a tutor will be provided by the production company if required.
Most casting breakdowns we receive are for acting work, however from time to time we do receive requests for models. If your child is specifically looking for modelling work they should apply to a recognized model agency.
If you are an industry professional please contact Team Rotten Orphans directly using hello@rottenorphans.co.uk
If you are seeking representation please read our FAQ’s then use the contact form to submit your application.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Team Rotten Orphans
Most of the projects we suggest our clients for will have auditions in London so if applying to Rotten Orphans you should consider how realistic it is for you to get to auditions at short notice.
Many auditions will be the following day so you need to be prepared to drop everything and be in London ready to audition between the hours of 4pm and 6pm. This is not always the case and we will always give you as much warning as possible.
Whilst this is not a common practice, many casting directors will ask for a self-tape first and will then short-list the actors they would like to see for the audition. Self-taping has become a popular option and it is important you and your child learn the art of producing a strong self-tape. A useful guide can be found here.
There is no guarantee that your child will obtain professional acting work and this is something you should consider very carefully. We work very hard to get auditions for our young actors and offer lots of additional support and guidance ahead of auditions but getting a job is down to the child themselves. We know how difficult rejection can be and we always strive to get feedback from casting directors to help children grow and develop as performers.
Whilst many projects take place in London jobs can be anywhere in the world so this is something to consider before applying for representation.
Once a performance licence has been obtained from your local authority (when required), we will confirm the project in writing and provide you with all the information you and your child need to successfully carry out the assignment.
We cover all types of work including TV, film, theatre, radio, commercials, corporate and photographic. Most jobs will take place during the working week. On commercials shoots, parents or guardians will be required to chaperone. If the job requires longer commitment, then the production may supply a licensed chaperone. If you are 16 years or older then you will be regarded as an adult and will not require a chaperone.
Yes, you are very welcome to apply again. We may simply turn down your application because your casting is too similar to another client at the time but this can change.
A one-month written notice period is required if a child wishes to leave the Agency.
Commission (plus VAT on that commission) will be applicable on all earnings from future contracts on productions initially booked by the Agency
I may be small, but i've got giant plans to shine as bright as the sun.
Little Women